A friend of mine got accepted to be part of this little bit scary/little bit cute/all awesome art show. It's called "Mortal Plush: I am not your toy" and it is a group exhibit of "emotional plush art" that's going to take place in National Harbor, Maryland: July 11th - August 11th. I don't think I'll be able to go, but I took a trip through the flickr group just to check out the artists' submissions. I don't know who got accepted, but here are just some of the plushes (or is it plushies?) that appealed to me.
"old lady 011" by Wool & Water
(Does anyone remember Madame, the sassy old lady puppet from the 80s? This girl totally reminds me of that girl - without the rhinestones, of course.)
"Lil Octopus in Hand" by Loopy Dolls
(I get the same sense of sweet strangeness that I get from that doll head toy in "Toy Story.")
"Squirrely Pin" by VenaCavaCraft
(Just some tiny, fuzzy love with some darn careful stitching too.)