Monday, May 11, 2009

Pretty Cool Pix Project

(This photo makes me miss Boston in the spring.)

"The Anonymous Photo Project" is such a neat little idea I found via apartment therapy. Though out of Vancouver, packages with disposable cameras are left in counties from Mexico to Australia for people to discover and take and snap away. The cameras are then returned, developed, and posted on the website where you can find lots of the fun snapshots that amateurs take (I am, of course, speaking as one). However, sometimes on a roll of lounging pets, friends making faces, and the accidental picture without a flash - there are some truly striking photos. I like that these lovely pictures are not taken by professionals or with fancy cameras - they are just stumbled upon gems. I know that people do something similar at weddings, but wouldn't it be a great project to do with different kinds of groups of people? I'd like to give a class of second graders cameras and see what they see. These are a few of my faves...

(Love the white brick frame, chalk heart, and textured wood.)

(Noticed the reflection first, but returned for the black leafy tree against blue sky.)

(Feels so lovely and lonely - I think it's the position of the camera that does it.)

1 comment:

  1. great art photography




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