Tuesday, August 13, 2013

flamingo party hats

My now five-year-old requested a flamingo birthday party this August. The hats we made were perhaps my favorite part of the decorating that went into her bash. They were simple to construct and everyone got a kick out of them. If you have a flamingo party in the future.....

- Simple pink or red (can be painted) party hats
- Shades of pink feather boas (I found mine at Michaels)
- Light yellow and black scrapbook papers
- Hot glue gun
- Sharpie marker

Just freehand draw the beaks (I looked at some flamingo silhouettes to get an idea) and make them with extra length on the end to fold over and adhere to the inside of the hat. I slid the beaks through the slot where the hats are put together and glued them in place. I glued the lengths of boa to the base and these hats were party ready!

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