Tuesday, March 19, 2013


I was introduced to Kickstarter by a neighbor who was passionately involved in one of the projects (a very cool documentary about cold water surfing) and suddenly I noticed it popping up everywhere.
The concept could not be cooler- funding and following creativity.

"Kickstarter is a funding platform for creative projects. Everything from films, games, and music to art, design, and technology. Kickstarter is full of ambitious, innovative, and imaginative projects that are brought to life through the direct support of others.
Since our launch on April 28, 2009, over $500 million has been pledged by more than 3 million people, funding more than 35,000 creative projects." - Kickstarter 101

Sometimes I will browse the site just to check out what sorts of proposed projects are floating around. It is like stumbling upon a catalog of people's birthday wishes. There are some incredibly creative pursuits. While I am certainly not impressed by or in love with all of the ideas, it is generally really inspiring to see folks putting their dreams out there, finding a cheering section and maybe even drumming up some financial support for the project.
Image: competepulse

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