Friday, November 16, 2012

Denmark: Land of Lovely Chairs

I recently had the good fortune to travel to Copenhagen for work and was impressed by how prevalent beautiful design is there. It's as though all of Denmark--perhaps all of Scandinavia--lives by Ikea's mission statement, better everyday life through good, functional design. The airport lounges looked space-age, every bathroom was a model of minimalism, and store windows were full of gorgeous furniture and speakers. I left Copenhagen with a taste for pegs (hooks are so...excessive) and very expensive chairs.

So, dear readers, here I share with you my dreams of chairs, Danish and otherwise. Unfortunately my wallet doesn't yet accommodate most. (And speaking of my wallet, why is it so bulky and awkward?)

A few snapshots from store windows:

Design Within Reach has the best selection of chairs, in my opinion, offering many of the same choices as Scandinavian design house Illums Bolighus and actually giving prices, unlike House of Denmark. And, until Design Within Reach is actually within my reach, there's always Ikea. Sigh.

From Design Within Reach:

P. S. I was given a hint from a friendly Dane that is a sort of Scandinavian ebay with great selection. Worth checking out if your enthusiasm for shopping encompasses shipping.

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