Wednesday, June 22, 2011

new day

Yesterday's events lined up very nicely. It was not only the first day of summer, but I also defended my dissertation and reached the marker of being 30 weeks pregnant. In some ways the day should have been more overwhelming, but because I sometimes feel that I have been working at breakneck speeds to reach the end point of things - it was a relief not to feel anxiety on a day that one would think would be the most anxious. The day went off well and I slept incredibly soundly last night.

The goal for the rest of the summer is to slow the heck down. There are still plenty of baby things to get done, but for the most part I want to be a little bit more in the moment this summer and enjoy doing the small things. So more walks with my husband, lunches with my friends, catching up on correspondence, naps with the cats. Everything will kick into high gear soon enough and so I'm allowing myself to languish in life for just a little bit (or just as much as I'm capable of).

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