Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thursday, a sewing room, and Etsy

"vintage spools photograph" by whiteowlpictures

Oh sewing room! Mae should be the one to decorate and put you in order. She know your wants and desires. She actually needs you (and you need her major sewing skills). But I am stealing you away from her because you, sewing room, are a good excuse to go color wild and I am, indeed, wild about color....

A vintage sewing machine is a must. Especially this bright and blue (and working!) one via SeeChangeDesign:

Prettier than a rainbow - a sewing room deserves such a collection of thread thanks to avantgarage:

This isn't just a Monopoly game piece, you know (vintage thimble via CLUTTEREDMIND):

Dress forms can be a little pricey, but not these sweet mini ones for your best dressed dolls found by littlepinkstudio:

A classic and pretty pin cushion could keep the lady forms company especially this lovely one via NADELWERK:

Yes, these would be great in frames, but these dresses are classic patterns that I would love to wear. Lots more via sacratomato's etsy shop:

Vintage buttons belong in my fantasy sewing room especially ones as pretty (and beautifully displayed) as those by elizabethwrenvintage:

As if all the pretty necessities of a sewing room were not enough, it would be such a luxury to have this vintage Victorian sewing basket to display (with fun "back story" to boot) via millinerymiss:

I so love this print by farouche. It's a good reminder in and out of the sewing room:

Oh, and as a final touch - this lovely photograph by Emmalynne. You're welcome, imaginary sewing room!


  1. fab post!! for true. what a great ensemble of pics and visions...I'd also like a sewing room. I'd use it mostly to read my magazines and drink tea but maybe I'd get so good at sewing I'd have to start my own lovely business. one day...

  2. I love the idea of framing the patterns...perfect

  3. I love this post, the buttons are just beautiful and the whole thing inspires me!

  4. What a fun post!
    Thank you so much for mentioning us on your lovely blog!

  5. Love your sewing room! I have that "Make do and Mend" print in my favorites, too.

  6. Thank you so much for showing me some love! Sorry it took me so long to knowtice, we are going through a HUGE move right now.
    Thank you thank you thank ou!
