Friday, April 24, 2009

Can someone cut this soda bottle in half for me?

terrarium madebymavis

Terrariums can be so elegant, so simple. Yet, there is also something so wonderfully geeky and elementary science project about them - watch what can grow and thrive with the right amount of water and warmth and sunlight! They also seem to be the perfect kind of greenery to have in your home if you lack a green thumb (this is not that hard) or have pets and babies who will eat anything they can get their hands (or paws) on. Beauty, brains, and an easygoing nature... it's the dorky science kid who's become a prince.

The madebymavis terrariums are quirky:

or a drop of simplicity:

I also love this set of hanging terrariums (more raindrops) via sfgirlbybay:

And these mix media pieces, by artist Thomas Doyle, are just haunting. I would love to have one tucked among a few traditional terrariums and then watch people stumble upon it (be sure to click on the links to see the pieces in greater detail).

(discovered via: boingboing)

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